Top 10 books about nature & wildlife for kids
Check out our list of ten brilliant nature-themed books for children, all sorted by recommended reading age for ease of browsing!
Check out our list of ten brilliant nature-themed books for children, all sorted by recommended reading age for ease of browsing!
Right, break time's over. Come on, you lot. Time to go back to school. One particular school, in fact – Goat Lees Primary School, which is in Kennington, near Ashford in Kent.
Education Manager Tom White explores how teachers can advance their students' education through outdoor exploration, and the resources we provide for GCSE and A-level fieldwork related to one of our most ground-breaking projects.
Has your school booked onto a school visit with us? Read this blog to get a sneak peek of what nature-based fun and learning is in store for you!
Rob Smith joins Emily Mason, Sustainability Coordinator at the University of Kent on a tour of their Canterbury campus to see how the University is reducing its impact. Join them on the Talk on the Wild Side podcast.
Schools across Kent are doing their bit to take action for nature and inspiring others to do the same. Meet Northfleet Technology College, Wellesley Haddon Dene school and more!
Author Alice Hemming tells of her time at a local primary school, engaging the imaginations of young children to inspire the Wilder Blean story book.
Spring is the perfect time to rewild your school and create a more sustainable and biodiverse campus.
Following a generous grant from the Cobtree Charity Trust, children at St Peters C of E Primary School in Aylesford took part in a series of poetry workshops. Their poems have been used to create the Wonderful Wordicular Wildlife Walk between Tyland Barn and Cobtree Manor Park.
Our Education Team talks about the first school visit of 2017 with Rodmersham Primary; identifying rocks and getting hands dirty in making their own soil!