Pond Dipping Detectives
Join Kent Wildlife Trust's Education Team for an education day out! Pupils will get the chance to use classification keys to help them identify a range of pond life in our pond dipping sessions.
Our activities enable young people to connect with nature and learn outside the classroom. Learners explore different habitats, learn new skills and have fun whilst meeting your curriculum objectives.
Visits to our education centres are easy to organise and offer a safe and enriching outdoors environment for your students to learn in. Our education centres give you a wide range of choice of wildlife and nature-based activities. All of our activities are linked to the curriculum and offer fun and interactive ways of bringing learning to life.
For a full day visit for one or two classes, you will need to select two activities from the below options. If you are bringing three classes, then please select three activities; four activities for four classes.
As an outdoor learning provider, we strive to deliver as much of our learning outdoors as possible, including making use of our outdoor teaching shelters. However, we do also have indoor classroom environments which can be used during winter months to deliver workshops such as the Birds of Prey Discovery Lab.
Join Kent Wildlife Trust's Education Team for an education day out! Pupils will get the chance to use classification keys to help them identify a range of pond life in our pond dipping sessions.
Young explorers will set off into the ‘wild’ of our nature reserves to seek out and capture a variety of minibeasts in a range of habitats and micro-habitats: hunting under log piles, in rockeries, amongst compost and in our long grass meadows.
In this workshop, learners will explore our wildflower meadows and flower beds, investigating flower structures and their purpose, looking at the roles of insects in pollination and discovering the life cycle of a plant from seed to seed.
Discover how beavers engineer their habitats in this hands-on, practical workshop for Year 1-6 which can be delivered on your school grounds or as part of a school trip to a Kent Wildlife Trust site.
Dissect owl pellets in this exciting, hands-on workshop and investigate the food chains of Kent.
In this workshop, learners will learn all about habitats and our ground-breaking Blean bison project through our children's book - The Bison and the Butterfly.
Go wild and explore our woodlands in this Forest School taster session.
An interactive workshop of physical and biological investigations in the river Darent (available only at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve).
A practical session exploring the rocks, soils and fossils of Kent.