Your fundraising pack and challenge

Friends on a walk - Shutterstock

Here's your fundraising pack

Thank you for choosing to support Kent Wildlife Trust

Through using your skills to raise vital funds, you can bring us one step closer to achieving our goal of a better, wilder future. Every pound raised, every cupcake sold, and every mile run or cycled supports crucial conservation work in Kent: 

Your commitment to our cause provides a lifeline to our 90+ wildlife reserves and numerous conservation projects, including habitat creation wildling initiatives, surveying and monitoring and everything in between. We simply couldn’t do it without you! 

This pack has been carefully crafted to help you unleash your creativity and turn your passion for nature into action. Inside this toolkit, you'll find a wealth of resources, tips, and guidance to kickstart your fundraising journey. Whether you're planning a community event or embarking on a personal challenge, we're here to equip you with everything you need to succeed. 

Thank you for joining us on our journey towards creating a #WilderKent.  

Download your fundraising pack here

Here are your fundraising assets

Find digital graphics to help you spread your message online, posters to put up in your communities, a sponsorship form, email banners, social banners and more below to accompany your fundraising pack and help you on your journey to fundraise for a #WilderKent

Your poster, sponsorship form and Blean-inspired crafts

Digital assets - right click/tap and hold on each to save...

Are you part of a school?

We have a dedicated Blean-inspired fundraising pack just for you. 

Find it here

Peacock butterfly on blossom

Andrew Lees

Our current fundraising challenge


Take action for nature this summer

This summer, we need you to challenge yourself, your classmates or your colleagues to take on the Summer100 challenge! Raise ÂŁ100 or more for nature and be in with a chance of winning one of 100 prizes!  

Our community is one of our greatest resources. Did you know that if each of our members fundraised ÂŁ100, we would raise an enormous ÂŁ3,200,000 for wildlife? The natural world isn't just something for us to enjoy; it sustains us. Every one of us has a role to play in protecting the green spaces that people and wildlife call home. Can you imagine the difference we could make if we all joined forces for nature? 

With over 50 activities to inspire your campaign, our fundraising pack will help you to use your skills to raise ÂŁ100 or more. From plant sales to bake sales, sponsored bike rides to sponsored head shaves and car washes to school discos, the possibilities are endless! Whether you choose to walk, run or cycle 100 miles in a month, sell 100 cakes at your bake sale, pick 100 bags of litter or go 100% plastic free, our pack has everything you need to reach your fundraising goal.  

Download your fundraising pack

Use our resources to supersize your fundraising! Check out our downloadable sponsorship forms, social media graphics, posters and more to get started today. If you have the time, post regular updates for your supporters to follow and share pictures of your journey. Be loud and proud – you’re a champion for nature! 

We also have some specific Summer100 assets for you to download...


Summer100 fundraising social media tile

Social media tile - right click/tap and hold to save

Processing your donations

Here are a few ways to pay...

Bank transfer

Bank: Barclays 

Sort Code: 20-76-63  

Account Number: 20549290  

Reference: First Initial, Surname and a reference to your challenge e.g. J. Doe Summer100 

Pay by cheque

Cheques should be made payable to Kent Wildlife Trust and sent to: Tyland Barn, Sandling, Maidstone, ME14 3BD  

Please include a cover note to tell us your name, and reference Summer100.   

Pay online

If you want to donate using a credit or debit card, visit our donation page and choose Summer100 from the drop-down menu. 

JustGiving and Facebook fundraisers

If you have set up a JustGiving page or Facebook fundraiser connected to Kent Wildlife Trust’s pages, the money will come straight to our bank account. 

Match funding

Some companies offer match funding. This means if you raise ÂŁ100, they will double it, making your total ÂŁ200. Speak to your boss or HR rep and ask if they can support you – even if they don’t have a formal programme, they might agree to help you take part! 

If you need evidence of your fundraising, or a letter of thanks for the match funding, please let us know.   

Gift Aid

By encouraging your sponsors to add Gift Aid, we’ll be able to claim an extra 25p per ÂŁ1 donated – and there’s no additional charge to you or your sponsors. Remember to collect Gift Aid information on your sponsorship forms, and to add it on to online donations too!  

Need help?  

Email or call us on 01622 662012.  


What is the Summer100 challenge?

The Summer100 is a fundraising challenge where you get to make your own mark. You can choose any activity of your choice whether that’s traditional fundraising like a bake sale or dress-down day, a physical challenge like walking 100k in a month or doing 100 squats a day, or something eco-friendly like picking 100 bags of litter in a month or giving up plastic for 100 days.   

The aim of the challenge is to raise at least ÂŁ100 for nature, and in the process help more people connect with the wildlife and wild spaces around them.   

When do I take on the Summer100 challenge?

Summer100 launches on 10 June and lasts the whole summer, officially ending on September 22.    

Where can I hold my challenge?

Anywhere you like – just make sure you choose a safe place, and that you have the right permissions in place before you start, and that your challenge won’t impede the natural behaviours of wildlife.   

You could take on a challenge at home, in your garden, work, school, or in a public green space.   

Please note that actively fundraising on private or council property requires the authorisation of the landholder.   

Who can take part?

Everyone can take on the Summer100 – whether you challenge yourself, a group of friends, or take on a challenge within your community.   

If you’re a school, you could challenge each class or year group to take part – they could join in with one big challenge or all take on different ones. And, if you’re in a workplace you could challenge each department to raise funds and take part and see who comes out on top.  

Can I fundraise as part of a team?

Yes! Teams of all sizes are welcome to take part. You could take on a team relay, host a used clothes sale, or get sponsored to create a wild garden in your community. If you plan to fundraise as part of a team, you can let us know on your registration form, or create a team Just Giving page here: (insert link). Alternatively, you can sign up individually but join forces to take on your challenge.   

The more people you can encourage to take part, the better!  

Do I get a reward?

100 lucky winners will receive prizes drawn at random – to be in with a chance of winning all you need to do is raise at least ÂŁ100 and have transferred those funds (or automatically sent them you’re your Just Giving page) by Monday 14 October. That gives you 3 weeks to collect your sponsorship money after completing your challenge. Prizes will be drawn on the following Monday 21 October and winners will be contacted after this date. Winners then have up to two weeks to claim their prize. Each prize is non-transferable. 

Everyone who complete the Summer100 will receive an editable certificate for taking part.  

How do I raise money?

The best way to raise money is by telling everyone that you’re taking part. You can share the reason why you’re taking on the Summer100, what you’re doing and update everyone as you progress. Use social media, and the assets you can download on this page to help you shout about it. You can download our handy poster and put it up at work, school or in your community and include one of the Summer100 sponsorship forms, or even make your downloadable donation box.   

You could ask friends and family to donate the price of their coffee, or even sell items you no longer want. You could even try offering to clean cars or cut grass in your neighbourhood in return for donations. The opportunities are endless!  

What if I don’t reach the £100 target?

Not to worry, you’ll never be asked to make up the difference. We chose a ÂŁ100 target because if every one of our members took part, we could raise over ÂŁ3m! But every donation, no matter the size, helps us on our journey to restoring and protecting nature. Even if you can only raise ÂŁ5 please do still take part, the actions you take and awareness you raise are just as important.  

Can I donate cash?

You can either add this to your online fundraiser yourself, so your other sponsors can see how well you are doing, or you can pay it straight in to our bank account here:   

Account Name: Kent Wildlife Trust  

Bank: Barclays 

Sort Code: 20-76-63  

Account Number: 20549290  

Please do not send cash in the post. If you want to hand in cash in person please visit us at Tyland Barn, Sandling, Maidstone, ME14 3BD. To call ahead please contact 01622 662012.  

How will my sponsors know I completed my challenge?

Keep your sponsors updated using social media channels, sharing your Just Giving page or by email. You can update them during and after your challenge, and don’t forget to share photos of you taking part too!  

Who is Kent Wildlife Trust?

Kent Wildlife Trust is a registered charity, established in 1958, with a mission to protect and restore wildlife and natural spaces.   

We’re the county’s leading conservation charity, with over 32,000 members and over 1000 registered volunteers. We manage and protect over 9000 acres of land across more than 90 different sites and nature reserves.  

We work closely with local communities, landowners and partners to protect and improve habitats in the countryside, coast and town for the benefit of the wildlife and people of Kent. We are working towards creating a better, more sustainable and wilder future. Together we can create a Wilder Kent.   

How do my donations help?

All the money you raise will go towards helping create a Wilder Kent. That means protecting and maintaining our current reserves, investing in vital equipment for use by our wardens and volunteers, caring for our conservation grazers, working with our community whether that’s landholders, farmer cluster groups or schools through our education programme, or in helping to reintroduce native species.   

Without your donations we wouldn’t be able to continue our vital work. That’s why every penny counts. Together, we can tackle the nature and climate crises, and together we can create a Wilder Kent.