Open gardens
Our unique open gardens give you the opportunity to visit gardens that are beautiful, inspiring and wildlife-friendly, while also having the chance to talk to experts about wildlife gardening.
There are up to 23 million gardens and over 62,000 urban green spaces in the UK. If we work together and create wildlife-friendly gardens and green spaces, imagine the difference we can make for both the climate and biodiversity crisis!
Our Wild About Gardens team aims to encourage and inspire everyone across Kent to create vital stepping stones for nature and help make a positive impact for wildlife and the climate. This could be in your own garden, work or community green space.
Our work includes events, courses, talks, webinars, open gardens, workshops and gardens advice.
The Wild About Gardens team also works with Pesticide Action Network (PAN). For more information on how to garden without poisons and details of current campaigns, please visit their website below.
Our unique open gardens give you the opportunity to visit gardens that are beautiful, inspiring and wildlife-friendly, while also having the chance to talk to experts about wildlife gardening.
Take a look at our latest Wilder Garden events and get your hands dirty, learn a new skill or be inspired.
Get inspired with these steps to creating your wilder garden and community.