Goat Lees Primary School: Making a difference for nature
Right, break time's over. Come on, you lot. Time to go back to school. One particular school, in fact – Goat Lees Primary School, which is in Kennington, near Ashford in Kent.
Right, break time's over. Come on, you lot. Time to go back to school. One particular school, in fact – Goat Lees Primary School, which is in Kennington, near Ashford in Kent.
Nina Jones, Protected Area Warden takes a moment ahead of National Marine Week to explain what we can individually and collectively do to help restore and protect nature on our coasts.
Habitat fragmentation poses significant threats to biodiversity and climate stability. In our lifetimes, we’re witnessing dramatic changes in the landscapes around us and the species that inhabit them.
From the phantom plate smasher of Bluebell Hill to the camping fires that put wildlife at risk at Blean Woods, the thoughtless actions of a minority are a source of horror among staff and volunteers at Kent Wildlife Trust.
The UK is a nation of both dog lovers and nature lovers, but are those two passions compatible? We spoke to some Wildlife Trust staff who balance both.
Our nature reserves are some of the best places to enjoy the Kent countryside, but for the sake of the wildlife: please leave the BBQ at home.
Bird disturbance on beaches has caused some huge declines in breeding success nationally, and that's why it's important to read the signs.