Nature Tots Maidstone (Feb/Mar - Friday morning)
-Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime.
Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime.
Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime.
Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime.
Nature Tots is Forest School tailored specifically for little ones, and can inspire a love of nature that lasts a lifetime.
Join us for Forest School for the home education community. Discover ways to have fun outdoors and meet new friends. Suitable for ages 4-11.
Join us for Forest School for the home education community. Discover ways to have fun outdoors and meet new friends. Suitable for ages 4-11.
Join us for Forest School for the home education community. Discover ways to have fun outdoors and meet new friends. Suitable for ages 4-11.
Right, break time's over. Come on, you lot. Time to go back to school. One particular school, in fact – Goat Lees Primary School, which is in Kennington, near Ashford in Kent.
You’ve booked your ticket; you’re ready to go – but what will happen when you arrive? Read on to find out what a day out at Kent Wildlife Trust’s ‘Wilder Holiday Club’ is like!
Hours of work from dedicated volunteers at Kent Wildlife Trust were undone in minutes after heartless vandals destroyed a special area at Sevenoaks Nature Reserve created to teach children and toddlers forest school skills.