UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) Online Training Course
-An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) Version 2, a classification system for vegetation habitats used in planning, conservation and land management
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) Version 2, a classification system for vegetation habitats used in planning, conservation and land management
A simple guide to fungi groups and classifications and the features to lookout for
Improve your fungi identification skills in the field
Find out more about Pine Martens and learn about the South East Pine Marten Restoration Project
A walk to explore the geology and fossils of the Folkestone area. You will have the chance to find Cretaceous Fossils from the Lower Greensand, Gault and Chalk formations.
An identification day covering all of Britain’s bumblebee species
Learn about the biology and ecology of bumblebees, how to identify our most common species and practise your skills in the field
Why do birds sing? A fascinating insight into the world of bird song. at Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve. Discover how to identify birds by their songs and calls.
Gain greater confidence at identifying flowering plants using botanical keys and improve you knowledge of plant classification and botanical terms.
Learn how to identify and classify flowers, how to use botanical keys and gain a better understanding of botanical terms