Beginners’ Birdwatching
-Do you love birds but need a bit of help identifying them?
Do you love birds but need a bit of help identifying them?
An illustrated review of the geology of the Kentish landscape from the oldest rocks to the youngest sediments
Learn about European Water Voles: their ecology, field signs and survey methods. Then put into practice what you have learned in an outdoor survey
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification, a new comprehensive classification system for vegetation habitats used in conservation and land management
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification, a new comprehensive classification system for vegetation habitats used in conservation and land management
An introductory course for anyone interested in learning more about bees and the craft of beekeeping.
Explore the world of European beavers in the UK and put into practice what you have learned in an outdoor beaver survey
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification, a new comprehensive classification system for vegetation habitats used in conservation and land management
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification, a new comprehensive classification system for vegetation habitats used in conservation and land management
An illustrated review of the geology of the Kentish landscape from the oldest rocks to the youngest sediments