Pine Marten Ecology and Conservation
-Find out more about Pine Martens and learn about the South East Pine Marten Restoration Project
Find out more about Pine Martens and learn about the South East Pine Marten Restoration Project
Now what's the difference between a weasel and a stoat? Well, of course one is weaselly recognised while the other one is stoatally different. But could you tell a pine marten from either of them?
Join Coexistence Support Officer, Julia Brant, for a day at Rother Woods as part of the South East Pine Marten Restoration Project.
This year, Kent Wildlife Trust, in collaboration with Wildwood Trust and Sussex Wildlife Trust, Ashdown Forest and Forestry England, is beginning to explore the social and ecological feasibility of reintroducing pine martens to Kent and Sussex, while co-developing a ten-year strategy with a wide range of stakeholders to restore the species in the South East.
A collaboration of conservationists is examining the feasibility of a Pine Marten reintroduction to the South East. People are being asked for their views on restoring the Pine Marten to the region.