
Press release Bugs Matter apps

South East England leads on citizen science survey numbers as ten days remain

Since June, citizen scientists across the UK have been taking part in Bugs Matter, the annual insect survey led by Kent Wildlife Trust and Buglife. With ten days left to go until data analysts can begin dissecting this year’s data to understand insect population trends, South East and East England are leading in the number of surveys completed, while North East England and London trail behind.

Update Bison bull looking at camera camouflaged with trees behind him by Donovan Wright

Three go wild in Canterbury - an update on the Wilder Blean Project

A month after the UK’s first wild bison were released into West Blean and Thornden Woods, Bison Rangers Tom Gibbs and Donovan Wright give an insight into how the herd has settled. From games of chase amongst the youngsters to the matriarch’s unusual taste for bracken, living life on the wild side is what these three ecosystem engineers were born to do.

Update Pegwell Bay Wildlife Walk

Go wild at Kent Wildlife Trust summer events!

It’s officially a really wild summer, and we want all of Kent to get outdoors, soak up some sun and enjoy some of Kent’s incredible wildlife and wild places at our amazing summer events. From family outdoor yoga to super safaris (with a chance of seeing our newest Blean bison residents), there’s something for the whole family to enjoy in Kent this summer holiday.

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