Hermit Crab
Hermit Crab ©Alex Mustard/2020VISION

Crustaceans in Kent

Discover the many water-dwelling arthropods that call Kent's shores their home using our handy species guides. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and more.

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Goose barnacle


Goose barnacles often wash up on our shores attached to flotsam after big storms.

Acorn barnacle


Barnacles are so common on our rocky shores that you've probably never really noticed them. They're the little grey bumps covering the rocks that hurt your feet when you're rockpooling. They're actually tiny little crustaceans and are related to crabs and…

Sea slater


These little critters are related to the woodlice you find in your garden and play a very important role on rocky shores.

Sand hopper


Sand Hoppers really live up to their name, jumping high into the air when disturbed.



A well known inhabitant of UK seas, common lobsters can reach up to 60cm in length.

Porcelain crab


Look out for this tiny crab under rocks and boulders on rocky shores - you'll have to look closely though, they're pretty well camouflaged!

Hermit crab


If you spot a crawling shell next time you're at the seaside, take a closer look… it might be a hermit crab!

Great spider crab


Despite its name, the great spider crab is actually smaller than the more common European spider crab.

Edible crab


Also known as the brown crab, this large crab is found around all UK shores and is identifiable by the distinctive pie-crust edge to its brown shell.

Velvet swimming crab


Look out for the bright red eyes of this speedy crab in rockpools - but be careful, they're notoriously feisty and will give a painful nip!

Brown shrimp


The brown shrimp blends perfectly with its seabed home and is found all around the coasts of the UK.

Spiny spider crab


The spiny spider crab lives up to its name in every way! Their distinctive spiny shells are often found washed up on beaches.

Common prawn


The common prawn is a familiar sight to anyone who has spent time exploring rockpools - particularly their characteristic quick dart into the darkness just as you spot them!



Did you know your seaside scampi was actually a kind of lobster? Traditionally so - although the scampi that is often eaten with chips can be anything from prawns to fish.

Shore crab
©Paul Naylor

Shore crab


This crab is common around all of the UK. If you've ever been rockpooling or crabbing, it's probably the shore crab that you've met.

Spiny lobster


Spiny lobster, crawfish, crayfish, rock lobsters - many names, one animal! This pretty lobster was made extinct in many areas through overfishing, but is now making a slow comeback.

Olive squat lobster


These feisty crustaceans are the ‘Houdinis’ of the rocky shore, evading capture as soon as disturbed!

Spiny squat lobster


A bizarre half lobster/half crab, this squat lobster is one of the true stunners of the rocky shore!