Saucer bug

Ilyocoris cimicoides

Length:1.2cm - 1.5cm

An underwater predator, the Saucer bug uses its front pincer-like legs to catch its prey. It can be found at the bottom of muddy, weedy ponds; but handle with care - it can inflict a painful bite!


An active, underwater predator, the Saucer bug spends its time around the bottom of weedy, muddy ponds hunting invertebrates, tadpoles and small fish. Adults have sharp, pincer-like legs, which enable them to catch their prey. They then stab it with their 'beak', injecting digestive enzymes into the wound and sucking out the contents of the body.

How to identify

The Saucer bug has an oval, yellowy-brown body, with large eyes and a pair of sharp, pincer-like legs at the front. It has a silvery underside, created by the air bubble it holds there while underwater. It can be distinguished from water beetle species by its overlapping wings and piercing mouthparts, rather than biting jaws.

Did you know?

If handled, the Saucer bug can give a painful nip, stabbing roughly the skin with its sharp 'beak'.

How people can help

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