Topics: Wildlife

5 essential wildlife photography tips

If you're a wildlife enthusiast that wants to get started with photographing what you see, it's important to get the basics down so you can make the most of those precious trips. Kent Wildlife Trust's Content Creator, Tim Horton, talks through his essential tips in this blog.

Flea treatment is toxic to wildlife: Here are the facts

You’d be hard pressed to find a person living in the UK that doesn’t have a pet. As a nation of animal lovers, we feel the pressure to take care of our animals to the best of our ability. This often means pet insurance and regular flea treatment. But how much do we know about these treatments and the harm they do to the environment? Find out more below.

A World Without Nature

This World Wildlife Day we would love to celebrate the incredible wildlife we have in Kent but we know that we're loosing more wildlife and wild spaces every day. So this year we felt it was more important to join forces with others to show what our county might look like without wildlife. Read on to learn more.

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