Grasshoppers and Crickets in Kent
Discover a variety of grasshopper and cricket species that live in our county! Hard to see but if you do, our species guides will help you identify them!
Discover a variety of grasshopper and cricket species that live in our county! Hard to see but if you do, our species guides will help you identify them!
Find out about some of the most common species of slugs and snails in Kent using our handy species guides!
Ever wondered about some of the species of fly buzzing around us? Here's your chance to learn about some of these creatures and how to identify them in Kent.
Learn about ants in Kent and how to identify them using our handy species guides. You'll be surprised to learn how fascinating these species are!
Some of our most important pollinators! Learn about the many species of bees and wasps we have in Kent and how to identify them.
What are some of the most common and lovable spiders in Kent? Get rid of your arachnophobia by learning about these amazing creatures and how to ID them in our handy species guides.
Probably some of the most alluring marine creatures, jellyfish can be found in our Kent coastline and sometimes even washed up on our shores. Learn about them and how to identify them using our guides.
Discover some of our fish species including sharks, rays and skates. Life under our oceans is magical so take the time to discover the species in Kent and learn about them through our guides.
In episode 8 of Talk on the Wild Side, Rob Smith interviews George Cooper - a Thanet local with a passion for wildlife, who has been heavily involved in bird recording and ringing at Minster Marshes for many years. They talk about why Minster Marshes is so important for bird-life, the damage National Grid's Sea Link project will do to the area, and why he started the Save Minster Marshes campaign.
Explore the magical world of fungi in Kent by discovering some of the most common fungi you will see and learning how to identify them.