Anti-social jet ski riders reported to police after repeatedly disturbing seals at Pegwell Bay
Jet ski riders have been reported to Kent Police after repeatedly disturbing seals at Pegwell Bay.
Jet ski riders have been reported to Kent Police after repeatedly disturbing seals at Pegwell Bay.
Warning that seal pups may die if disturbance continues across the coastline
Kent Wildlife Trust is asking people to be aware of the impact they have on marine life, in particular seals.
Kent Wildlife Trust is inviting its supporters to join them as they travel to Parliament to call on MPs to secure ambitious new laws which will halt nature’s decline and secure the recovery of wildlife and natural places across the UK.
Kent Wildlife Trust is delighted with the Government’s designation of an additional five Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) in Kent, but now wants to see real action.
It was announced on 26th July that the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) have consented to the dredging of the Goodwin Sands proposed Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) for the Dover Harbour Port Development.
The Government’s consultation on a third tranche of Marine Conservation Zones (MCZs) drew to a close on Friday 20th July.
Recycling plastic message to County Show visitors: Recycling plastic message to County Show visitors.
Battle to protect wildlife at sea receives boost today
Tiny plastic pellets found on 73% of UK beaches.