The mysterious basking shark: What we know (& some things we don’t…)
You hear “shark”, you think Jaws. Sadly, this is true for many of us… but then who hasn’t been slightly traumatised by Steven Spielberg’s enduring epic?
You hear “shark”, you think Jaws. Sadly, this is true for many of us… but then who hasn’t been slightly traumatised by Steven Spielberg’s enduring epic?
Atlantic salmon are drifting towards extinction, but we can help them leap back from the brink.
Our freshwater fish are at risk from pollution of our waterways. Learn about the species that live in freshwater and how to identify them in our species explorer.
Discover some of our fish species including sharks, rays and skates. Life under our oceans is magical so take the time to discover the species in Kent and learn about them through our guides.
One of the only venomous fish to be found in British waters, the lesser weever fish is certainly one to watch out for!