Walking Works!
Vicky Aitkenhead, our Older and Out There Project officer writes about our upcoming health walks programme.
Vicky Aitkenhead, our Older and Out There Project officer writes about our upcoming health walks programme.
Locals 'flood' to the Cliftonville Community Centre to take part in Kent Wildlife Trust's and Southern Water's fun activity day.
As technology advances, so does the techniques adopted by conservation organisations to aid our work to protect wildlife.
Sam Thomas, Landscape Scale Project Officer at Kent Wildlife Trust, writes for us about the East of Eden project he is leading on behalf of the Trust.
Kent Wildlife Trust is delighted that the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) is supporting a £450,000 project to involve people in looking after Kent’s marine environment. By Fiona White, Marine Officer.
Meadow restoration with Sissinghurst Gardens by Weald Warden, Matt Hayes
Carrying out a butterfly transect each week provides a wonderful opportunity to follow the fate of these beautiful insects throughout their flight period. Find out more about Butterfly Transects with Ian Blomfield, our Volunteer Butterfly Surveyor.
Your garden will play host to a variety of minibeasts and creepy crawlies - why not make it a 5* experience and build them a luxury hotel to stay in? By Vicky Aitkenhead, Nature Conservation Community Warden.
Our Volunteers do a tremendous job and without them, Polhill Bank wouldn’t be in the state it is currently. With our plans to expand and restore 40 acres of land at Polhill, our volunteers and staff will play a crucial role in giving Polhill a future. Here our warden Paul Glanfield talks about some of the work they have undertaken so far this year
Noted local botanist Joyce Pitt recalls her memories of Polhill Bank. Joyce has worked as a volunteer for Kent Wildlife Trust for many years, including as an Honorary Warden of the reserve.
Kent Wildlife Trust volunteer Margery Thomas talks about a very special visit to Hothfield Heathlands from Clare Balding who came along to meet the reserve's important Konik ponies.
Following a generous grant from the Cobtree Charity Trust, children at St Peters C of E Primary School in Aylesford took part in a series of poetry workshops. Their poems have been used to create the Wonderful Wordicular Wildlife Walk between Tyland Barn and Cobtree Manor Park.