A year at Hothfield Heathlands with Ashford Area Warden Will
Ashford Area Warden Will Glasson reflects on his first full year working across the local sites in this blog, co-written with long-time volunteer Margery Thomas.
The garden team at Sissinghurst approached me early this year looking for help and advice with some grassland / meadow restoration work they wanted to do. Sourcing seeds and the provenance of seeds is very important, it is best to use seeds of local provenance for restoration projects. The garden team knew about Marden meadow, and were hoping to work together using Marden's seed resource.
Every summer we try and utilise the seeds from Marden Meadow to help create or restore meadows and grasslands. So this year we decided to use the seeds from Marden to take to Sissinghurst and help get the meadow projects underway at the gardens. The main area they wanted to focus on this year was what’s known as the orchard area of the gardens. There are a small number of traditional fruit trees in the area with meadow / grassland.
The preparation was done by the garden team and volunteers. Cutting the area and taking away the hay (part of which was done the traditional way with scythes!) Next came preparing the seed bed, scarifying the area to create bare ground to receive the Marden seeds. Lastly the green hay.
One of the best, and easiest methods to transfer meadow seeds is to cut and spread green hay. Harvesting seeds other ways requires a lot of time or expensive seed harvesting equipment. Green hay is literally cutting an area of meadow or donor site (a site with high diversity with species you want to collect) and collecting it up carefully straight away and taking it to another site (receptor site) spreading it out and allowing the seeds to drop out of the hay into the prepared ground.
With appropriate long term management, hay meadows or species rich grassland can be restored over time. I hope to continue working with the team at Sissinghurst and other local landowners to restore and create meadows, along with spreading the message! Over time hopefully, we will be able to reverse some of the 97% decline. In the mean time I look forward to seeing what comes up in the orchard area next year.
Ashford Area Warden Will Glasson reflects on his first full year working across the local sites in this blog, co-written with long-time volunteer Margery Thomas.
Volunteer, Margery Thomas, explores winter on Hothfield Heathlands - one of Kent's last four valley bogs and one of its few remaining fragments of open heath.
Long-time volunteer, Margery Thomas, talks us through all the exciting fungi at Hothfield Heathlands and their importance.