Bugs in Kent
From stink bugs and shieldbugs to pondskaters discover the world of small insects and how to identify them in our wonderful guide to common bugs in Kent.
From stink bugs and shieldbugs to pondskaters discover the world of small insects and how to identify them in our wonderful guide to common bugs in Kent.
Learn about Kent centipedes and millipedes and the ways you can help them thrive through our species and habitat guides.
Some of the insect species that you need to know about including caddisflies, lacewings, mayflies and silverfish. Learn about Kent's species and how to support them in our species explorer.
Have you spotted a slug, snail, fly, bee or other invertebrates that you'd like to identify? Our species explorer helps guide you through these complex species. Learn about them and how to identify them here!
Our freshwater fish are at risk from pollution of our waterways. Learn about the species that live in freshwater and how to identify them in our species explorer.
Discover the wonderful marine mammals that visit our shores and call them home. Learn to identify them in our handy species explorer.
Discover the wonderful marine mammals that visit our shores and call them home. Learn to identify them in our handy species explorer.
Providing fertility and life to the ocean floor, discover the diversity of worm species living in our seas using our handy species identification guides!
Way more colourful and exciting than our land slugs and snails! Visit the world of sea slugs and snails, learn about them and how to identify them in our species explorer.
The bivalves are a highly successful marine freshwater molluscs such as oysters and scallops. Learn about the species in Kent and how to identify them.
Hugely intelligent marine species that are worth getting to know! Learn about the species we have on our Kent coast and how to identify them in our species explorer.
Discover the many water-dwelling arthropods that call Kent's shores their home using our handy species guides. Lobsters, crabs, prawns and more.