
Grazing sheep at Queendown Warren

Livestock Checker

As a volunteer Livestock Checker, you can help by checking on our animals once a week on an allocated day.

A beautiful sunset over the Oare Marshes in Faversham, Kent

Wednesday Roaming Practical Team

Join our friendly and enthusiastic roaming Wednesday practical team. The team will visit a number of sites to help conserve important nature reserves across West Kent.

Bella Sabine-Dawson helping a young child get their net into a pond

Pond Dipping Detectives

Join Kent Wildlife Trust's Education Team for an education day out! Pupils will get the chance to use classification keys to help them identify a range of pond life in our pond dipping sessions.

Stag Beetle in childs hand

Magical Minibeasts

Young explorers will set off into the ‘wild’ of our nature reserves to seek out and capture a variety of minibeasts in a range of habitats and micro-habitats: hunting under log piles, in rockeries, amongst compost and in our long grass meadows.

Green winged orchids, Marden Meadows

Perfect Plants

In this workshop, learners will explore our wildflower meadows and flower beds, investigating flower structures and their purpose, looking at the roles of insects in pollination and discovering the life cycle of a plant from seed to seed.

Beaver swimming with its head just above the water © Russell Savory

Beavers of Kent

Discover how beavers engineer their habitats in this hands-on, practical workshop for Year 1-6 which can be delivered on your school grounds or as part of a school trip to a Kent Wildlife Trust site.