
Wilder Blean Expert

We answer your most pressing questions about our ground-breaking wilding project.

West Blean and Thorndon Woods

What can I expect when visiting Blean woods?

When visiting West Blean and Thornden Woods, you might notice some changes as we have welcomed the UK's first wild bison herd. Read more about the best way to visit, whether you'll be able to catch a glimpse of the bison, and how we're ensuring yours and wildlife's safety on site.

A flying chough over grassland

Chough Info Pack

The Kent Wildlife Trust and Wildwood Trust have been working hard to prepare for the reintroduction of choughs to Kent. These charismatic birds have been missing from Kent's wildlife for over 200 years due to habitat loss and historical persecution. Now, they are finally returning.

Memorial bench 2

Memorial Benches

Create a lasting tribute to remember your loved one with a memorial bench at West Blean and Thornden Woods.

Nextdoor Nature

Nextdoor Nature is bringing communities together to help nature flourish where they live and work!

Elmley RSPB Nature Reserve

#DefendNature: We Need You

The UK Government has launched an attack on nature, weakening the laws that protect our wildlife and making a U-turn on manifesto promises to be the greenest Government ever.

Blean Vegetation May 2022

Visiting our reserves

General guidance for visiting our nature reserves so you can make sure you have a great time while respecting wildlife and leaving the habitat in the best possible state.

Climate march campaign

Download your Campaign Pack

Download your Defend Nature campaign pack - including social media posts to share and posters to hang up in your windows or at your work/school.

 Beaver Eating at Ham Fen by Terry Whittaker

Beaver project

Find out about beavers in Kent and how they are making a comeback thanks to work from Kent Wildlife Trust and partners including the Environment Agency, Natural England, Wildwood Trust and more.

Blean Vegetation May 2022

Woodland Management

Learn about different types of woodland management from coppicing to pollarding and how they all work.