Save our Woodlands

Save our Woodlands


If you go down to the woods today... will they still be there?

Can you imagine a world without woodlands?  

Development, disease, pollution, and climate change are pushing UK woodlands to crisis point, and threatening the plants and animals that depend on them. 

It’s a global problem, but it’s a local one too. Right now, woodlands in Kent are in danger.  

Will you help us save them, before it’s too late? 

We need to raise £475,000 by 18 November 2024.  Will you join our biggest appeal yet to save woodlands near you? 

Donate today


Why our woods matter

Our trees are a vital life source – the lungs of our landscapes.  

They provide us with the oxygen we breathe and protect us against pollutants in the atmosphere.  

Research shows that woodlands are vital to our health and wellbeing and even our survival: they are our most important allies in the fight against the climate crisis.  

213 million tonnes of carbon is stored by trees in the UK.  

They also help to prevent flooding and keep our urban areas cool. 

Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and can lock it up for centuries.  

But these mighty green lungs are at greater risk than ever from their biggest threat: us.

image of flytipping at hoads wood

Our trees are in trouble

From housing and road projects to commercial construction -  unsympathetic development, alongside disease, pollution and invasive species, are threatening to devastate our magnificent woodlands and suffocate our landscapes. 

We’ve lost so much of the woodland we once had, and many of those that remain are damaged – only 7% of the UK’s native woodlands are in good condition. 

As a result, our woodland wildlife is under threat. Birds, butterflies and plants are all declining as their habitats become fragmented. 

Stand tall for trees


Will you help?

Thanks our incredible supporters, we are already safeguarding 3,964 acres of precious woodland across Kent.  

Woods make up 44% of our nature reserves and many of these contain ancient woodland habitat. We have been managing these irreplaceable habitats for more than 60 years.  

But we must do more to save our local woodlands.   

Many woodlands, whether privately owned or parcelled out to numerous owners, often have no official designation protecting their use, or safeguarding their future. If sold on the open market, these woodlands could soon fall silent. Or worse still, be filled with the sound of heavy machinery. 

By purchasing land that is at risk and investing in climate and nature positive management, we can breathe new life into our woodlands.  

By supporting our Save our Woodlands Appeal today you can help us to save woodlands that are at risk, and manage the invaluable woodlands already under our protection – ensuring they remain alive with the sound of nature.   

Funds raised will go towards: 

  • The purchase of at-risk woodlands  

  • Surveying woodlands to identify risks, such as Ash Dieback  

  • Perimeter checks and fencing where needed to keep woodlands secure  

  • Monitoring activities to identify key species and track increases in bio-abundance  

  • Ongoing management of sites, including supporting our reserve wardens

With your help we can save our woodlands. So that if you go down to the woods today, tomorrow, or for many years to come, you won’t encounter a big and terrible surprise but can continue to enjoy the simple pleasure of a walk in the wonderful woodlands that bring us so much colour and life. 

Ash sapling © Vaughn Matthews


could be invested in tree care, tackling issues such as Ash Dieback
Two boys, one a wheelchair user, and their dad on a woodland path


could help us maintain public rights of way through woodland sites
Children and families outdoors in woodland, photo by Helena Dolby for Sheffield & Rotherham Wildlife Trust


could help support our reserve wardens as they care for our woodlands across Kent