Pink-footed goose

Anser brachyrhynchus

Length:61cm - 76cm
Average Lifespan:8 years

The pink-footed goose is a winter visitor to the UK, feeding on our wetland and farmland habitats. About 360,000 individuals spend the winter here, making it a really important destination for this bird.


The pink-footed goose is one of our smaller geese, with a relatively short neck, rounded head and short bill. It flies here from Greenland and Iceland in October to spend the winter, returning north in April.

How to identify

The pink-footed goose is a small, grey goose, with a short, pink bill and pink legs.

Did you know?

The pink-footed goose is well-known for its loud, honking call that it often performs while flying in a flock, or 'skein'; look out for the characteristic V-formation that so many migrating birds use.