Tits, crests and warblers

What do you know about Kent's tits, crests and warblers? Learn more about these birds and how to identify them using our handy species guides.

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Great tit
©Bob Coyle

Great tit


A familiar garden bird, the great tit can be seen around bird tables and feeders, as well as in woodlands and parks. Listen out for its shrill song that sounds just like a bicycle pump being used!

blue tit
Gillian Lloyd

Blue tit


A familiar garden bird, the blue tit can be seen around bird tables and feeders, as well as in woodlands and parks. Listen out for its trilling, 'tsee-tsee-tsee' song. It is smaller than the great tit.

Coal tit


The coal tit is mainly found in coniferous woodland, but can also be spotted in gardens and parks. It is smaller than the great tit, but has a similar bicycle pump-like song.

Bearded tit
©Danny Green/2020VISION

Bearded tit


The bearded tit is an unmistakable cinnamon-coloured bird of reedbeds in the south, east and north-west of England. Males actually sport a black 'moustache', rather than a beard!

Willow tit
©Harry Hogg

Willow tit


The willow tit lives in wet woodland and willow carr in England, Wales and southern Scotland. It is very similar to the marsh tit, but has a distinctive pale panel on its wings.

Marsh tit
©Margaret Holland

Marsh tit


Despite its name, the marsh tit actually lives in woodland and parks in England and Wales. It is very similar to the willow tit, but has a glossier black cap and a 'pitchoo' call that sounds like a sneeze!

©Richard Burkmar



A king among birds, the goldcrest displays a beautiful golden crown. Our smallest bird, it can be spotted in conifer woodlands and parks across the UK.

Blackcap female
©Margaret Holland



As the name suggests, the male blackcap has a black cap, while the female has a gingery one. Look for this distinctive warbler in woodland, parks and gardens.

Garden warbler
©Chris Gomersall/2020VISION

Garden warbler


A plain-looking warbler, the garden warbler is a summer visitor to the UK. It is a shy bird and is most likely to be heard, rather than seen, in woodland and scrub habitats.

Lesser whitethroat
©Margaret Holland

Lesser whitethroat


The lesser whitethroat is smaller than its cousin, the whitethroat, and sports dark cheek feathers that give it a 'mask'. Most likely to be heard around woodland and scrub, rather than seen.

Sedge warbler
©Dawn Monrose

Sedge warbler


In summer, the sedge warbler can be spotted singing from a reed or willow perch in wetlands across the UK. Males never sing the same song twice, adding new phrases to impress the females.

Reed warbler
©Amy Lewis

Reed warbler


Listen out for the 'chattering' song of the reed warbler, while wandering the UK's lowland wetlands in summer. A small, brown bird, they are quite hard to see.

Cetti's warbler
©Amy Lewis

Cetti's warbler


A dark, stocky warbler, the Cetti's warbler is most likely to be heard, rather than seen - listen out for its bubbling song among willow, marsh and nettles.

Wood warbler
©Andy Rouse/2020VISION

Wood warbler


Look for the wood warbler singing from the canopy of oak woodlands in the north and west of the UK. Green above, it has a distinctive, bright yellow chest and eyestripe.

Willow warbler
©Bob Coyle

Willow warbler


A summer visitor, the willow warbler can be seen in woodland, parks and gardens across the UK. It arrives here in April and leaves for southern Africa in September.

Chiffchaff ©Richard Steel/2020VISION



In early spring, listen out for the 'chiff chaff chiff chaff' song of the appropriately named chiffchaff. It can be heard in woodland, scrub, parks and gardens across the UK.

Dartford warbler
©Richard Steel/2020VISION

Dartford warbler


The small, brown Dartford warbler is most easily spotted when warbling its scratchy song from the top of a gorse stem. It lives on lowland heathland in the south of England, where it nests on the ground.

Firecrest ©David Tipling/2020VISION



The tiny firecrest vies with the goldcrest for the title of the UK's smallest bird. Once just a visitor, the firecrest can now be found breeding in woodlands in the south of England.

Long-tailed tit
Long-tailed tit ©Jon Hawkins - Surrey Hills Photography

Long-tailed tit


Living up to its name, the long-tailed tit can be easily recognised by its long tail. It is a small, pretty, pink, black and white bird that can be seen in woodlands, gardens and parks.