Topics: Nature Reserves

South Swale

In the winter, South Swale welcomes migrating birds such as brent geese, turnstones, dunlin, avocets, osytercatchers and ringed plovers. In the summer, it's home to carpets of flowers which attract butterflies and some rare bee species!

Turners Field

The reserve is managed as part of an organic livestock farm in partnership with a local farmer and consists of neutral grassland, a small stream, a pond and areas of scrub and mature woodland.

Westfield Wood

Part of an internationally important yew woodland, with steep chalky slopes occupied by a dense stand of yew overtopped in places by mature ash and beech.

Yockletts Bank

This must-see site for orchid aficionados has ancient woodland on a chalk escarpment with a clay cap. The slope of the valley supports mixed woodland of ash, hornbeam and beech with a hazel understorey.

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