Arable land
Most arable fields are large, featureless monocultures devoid of wildlife, but here and there are smaller fields and tucked away corners that are farmed less intensively, or are managed specifically with wildlife in mind.
Most arable fields are large, featureless monocultures devoid of wildlife, but here and there are smaller fields and tucked away corners that are farmed less intensively, or are managed specifically with wildlife in mind.
Hedgerows are one of our most easily encountered wildlife habitats, found lining roads, railways and footpaths, bordering fields and gardens and on the coast.
A visit to a traditional orchard reveals gnarled old trunks of fruit and nut trees bursting with blossoms and young leaves in springtime, with wildflowers and insects populating summer’s long grass, and foraging wildlife attracted by autumn’s fallen fruit.
In celebration of National Meadows Day, we thought we would share some interesting facts with you on Kent and the nation’s wild meadows.
With its wide-open expanse of shingle beach, Dungeness is a unique wildlife habitat and makes for a family day out with a difference, writes Zoe Rawlins
Why and how to build nature-friendly housing developments
Theresa May’s speech on the environment on January 11th shows that, at last, a Government is seeing how much the environment means to the people of the UK, not least young people.
Kent Wildlife Trust has received a grant for £34,744 from Biffa Award, a multi-million pound fund that helps to build communities and transform lives through awarding grants to communities and environmental projects across the UK.
Kent Wildlife Trust is celebrating a £26,221.00 funding boost from SUEZ Communities Trust (formerly SITA Trust) for its Down the Woodland Path project.
Make your own patch of nature a wildlife haven with these 7 top tips for a wildlife-friendly garden.