Why choose Kent Wildlife Trust as your charity of the year?
It’s around this time that many businesses and organisations start to think about choosing their charity of the year...
It’s around this time that many businesses and organisations start to think about choosing their charity of the year...
In episode 8 of Talk on the Wild Side, Rob Smith interviews George Cooper - a Thanet local with a passion for wildlife, who has been heavily involved in bird recording and ringing at Minster Marshes for many years. They talk about why Minster Marshes is so important for bird-life, the damage National Grid's Sea Link project will do to the area, and why he started the Save Minster Marshes campaign.
In episode 8 of Talk on the Wild Side, Rob Smith spoke to Bella Sabin-Dawson - Education & Wellbeing Apprentice - about her experiences with eco-anxiety, and to Sam Maddison about his studies of biodiversity as a Wildlife Conservation student at the University of Kent.
This World Wildlife Day we would love to celebrate the incredible wildlife we have in Kent but we know that we're loosing more wildlife and wild spaces every day. So this year we felt it was more important to join forces with others to show what our county might look like without wildlife. Read on to learn more.
In September 2023, representatives from the Department of Transport, National Highways, Natural England, South East Water, RSPB, and the Lifescape Project joined Kent Wildlife Trust on a discovery trip to the Netherlands to glean insights on how the Dutch have tackled the challenge of providing space for nature in a crowded landscape.
We humans have a habit of thinking in terms of opposition: there’s rain or shine, hot or cold, and land or sea – to name but a few. Salt marshes, however, are something in between.
This is a guest blog in which Nik Mitchell of Save Minster Marshes offers his perspective about the Sea Link Project and reflects on the wildlife in the area and how it could be impacted.
Meet one of the Wilder Blean Bison Rangers for an in-depth tour of the woodland and to hear all the latest updates from the project.
The launch of a podcast, the arrival of a bison calf, a mysterious totem pole and even a visit by the godfather of conservation himself, David Attenborough – 2023 has been wild for Kent Wildlife Trust!
Meet Tawny, Kent Wildlife Trust’s oldest conservation grazing pony who has been diligently helping wild the county’s landscape for over two decades!