
Close up of lightly flaming logs on a warm fire.

The dangers of BBQs on wildlife

Our nature reserves are some of the best places to enjoy the Kent countryside, but for the sake of the wildlife: please leave the BBQ at home.

Round leaved sundew Hothfield bog2

September on Hothfield Heathlands

Updates on how to stay cool at Hothfield Heathlands in September from Margery, as well as fire alert updates from Ian Rickards, Area Manager.

How biodiverse is your farm?

Ray Morris, founding member of Marden Wildlife and the Marden Farmer Cluster, explores what makes a farm 'biodiverse', and how Marden Wildlife group are working with farmers to exchange knowledge and experience to benefit nature in the Marden area.

Precious Peatlands - October Updates

Area Manager Ian Rickards provides updates about what to expect to see at Hothfield Heathlands over October, from scrub removal to volunteer works.

What is COP27?

As the COP27 conference begins we're looking for the UK and World Governments to not only talk but to take action and fight the climate crises that we all face. But what is COP27 and how will decisions made in Egypt affect us in Kent?