Birch in a bog…or how to spend a warm, sunny October day
Our Ashford Meadows Project Officer, Camilla Blackburn writes about a corporate volunteering day at Hothfield Heathlands.
Our Ashford Meadows Project Officer, Camilla Blackburn writes about a corporate volunteering day at Hothfield Heathlands.
Kent Wildlife Trust has begun an exciting new project to bring back our traditional hay meadows, which have declined nationally by 97% since the 1940s.
I'm full of inspiration, and jealousy, when my colleagues take their dogs out for either walks or to help on our reserves. So, I've decided to write a blog about it...
Kent Wildlife Trust’s Big Lottery funded three year project, Painting The Town Green is currently working with the local community in Newington near Ramsgate to invigorate the green spaces at St Christopher Church. Anna Morell, who works with the Project, visited the community to see what they are going wild about in early Summer.
Lynne and Peter Flower have written an update on our work to enhance the number of Barn Owls in and around Kent.
It's common knowledge that spending time in nature is beneficial for everybody, especially for children, and the Wildlfe Trust's recent initiative, Every Child Wild, aims to inspire outdoor adventures.
Margery Thomas is one of our fantastic volunteers and she has written a blog for us about our Hothfield Heathlands nature reserve. She spends many hours supporting our wardens to protect and enhance wildlife at this special reserve.
Our hardworking volunteers, Lynne & Peter Flower, have written their second blog for Kent Wildlife Trust. This time they are focusing on our work building homes for barn owls.
A lot of people contact us looking for advice on what binoculars they should buy. So we asked our excellent Biodiversity Information Officer, Paul Tinsley-Marshall, to give us his top 10 tips to ensure you get the perfect match.
Kathryn Barton, our Community Education Officer who works on the Forest School project, writes about the expansion of our fantastic project.
Lynne and Peter Flower, Kent Wildlife Trust volunteers, write about the work they do to support and protect existing barn owls and create safe places for them to increase in numbers.
Fiona White, our Marine Officer, writes about an exiting discovery in our country's coasts. A species never before recorded in Kent has been found by a Kent Wildlife Trust volunteer Seasearcher, whilst diving in the newly designated Folkestone Pomerania Marine Conservation Zone.