Pegwell Beach Great British Spring Clean
Great British Spring Clean at Pegwell National Nature Reserve
Great British Spring Clean at Pegwell National Nature Reserve
Kent Wildlife Trust’s social media plea to leave the plant has proved controversial sparking debate with hundreds of comments
An online training day on the UK Habitat Classification (UKHab) Version 2, a classification system for vegetation habitats used in planning, conservation and land management
This large, fluffy-looking moth is on the wing in July and August, but you might spot a caterpillar at almost any time of year.
Join a guided women's walk lead by a team of local female wildlife wardens to explore the beautiful flora and fauna of Sandwich Bay.
Join us for our open garden at the headquarters of Kent Wildlife Trust!
The government has been making big announcements on land use, farming, and payments, but what does it all mean for nature and farmers? Our Chief Executive, Evan Bowen-Jones, breaks it down in his latest article, highlighting why nature must be treated as critical infrastructure and sharing Kent Wildlife Trust’s response to the Land Use Framework Consultation.
Exciting news for wildlife enthusiasts and conservationists! Kent Wildlife Trust’s Chief Executive, Evan Bowen-Jones, has penned a thought-provoking article in the latest issue of British Wildlife Magazine, now available to buy.
False widow spiders are often the subject of unflattering headlines, but in reality they're unlikely to bite humans.
Have you ever fancied trying your hand at bushcraft? Join an outdoor skills experience for beginners at Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve.
Meet Kent Wildlife Trust's experienced reserve wardens for a hands-on workshop identifying moths found around Tyland Barn.
Meet Kent Wildlife Trust's experienced reserve wardens for a hands-on workshop identifying moths found around Tyland Barn.