
Emergency authorisation of bee-killing pesticide is a “deathblow” say The Wildlife Trusts

The UK Government’s Farming Minister, Mark Spencer, has approved ‘emergency’ authorisation for the use of the highly damaging neonicotinoid, Thiamethoxam, on sugar beet for the fourth year in a row. This pesticide has been banned in the UK since 2018 but has been approved for use on British sugar beet crops. This announcement comes despite an industry commitment to end reliance on the banned pesticide by 2023.

Views sought on Pine Marten restoration project

A collaboration of conservationists is examining the feasibility of a Pine Marten reintroduction to the South East. People are being asked for their views on restoring the Pine Marten to the region.

Cows “moove” into Scotney Castle

History has gone full circle with the return of grazing cattle to Scotney Castle. The mix of longhorns and Sussex cows have been welcomed to the historic landmark to create wilder, more biodiverse area.