
contact mp illustration

Contact your MP

By writing to your MP or meeting them in person, you can help them to understand more about a local nature issue you care passionately about.

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Recycle and reuse

Recycle, upcycle - and make do and mend! Production of household waste needs to decrease by 33% by 2037 to reach emissions targets. So get out that needle and thread!

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Climate friendly gardening

There are plenty of ways you can take action against climate change in your own backyard or local greenspace.

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How to install a water butt

Water butts lower the risks of local flooding and will reduce water bills by conserving the water you already have. They're great for watering the garden, refilling the pond - or even washing the car!

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How to make a bog garden

Instead of draining, make the waterlogged or boggy bits of garden work for nature, and provide a valuable habitat.

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How to build a pond

Learn about companion planting, friendly pest control, organic repellents and how wildlife and growing vegetables can go hand in hand.

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How to create a hedgehog hole

Help hedgehogs get around by making holes and access points in fences and barriers to link up the gardens in your neighbourhood.

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How to build a hedgehog home

By providing safe places for hedgehogs to live, you’re much more likely to see these prickly creatures in your garden.

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How to make a log shelter

Log piles are perfect hiding places for insects, providing a convenient buffet for frog, birds, and hedgehogs too!