Woodpeckers, cuckoos, kingfishers and waxwings
Find out about and learn to identify woodpeckers, cuckoos, kingfishers and waxwings in Kent using our handy species guide.
Find out about and learn to identify woodpeckers, cuckoos, kingfishers and waxwings in Kent using our handy species guide.
What's that bird flying through the sky? Learn to identify swifts, swallows, sand martins and the nightjar bird using our handy species guides.
What's that bird flying through the sky? Learn to identify swifts, swallows, sand martins and the nightjar bird using our handy species guides.
A group of enigmatic small birds worth getting to know in Kent. Learn about these species in our handy identification guides.
What do you know about Kent's tits, crests and warblers? Learn more about these birds and how to identify them using our handy species guides.
Corvids and shrikes are a popular bird in Kent but it can be hard to identify individual species. Take a look at our species guides to learn more about them.
Finches and buntings are seed-eaters though buntings generally feed from the ground while finches tend to feed in trees and shrubs. Learn more about them and how to identify them in our species guides.
Explore the avian world in our species guide to the birds of Kent. A myriad of bird species call our county home and feed in our coastlines, woodlands, parks and gardens.
Mammals make milk to feed their young. There are mammals in the air, earth, and sea. Learn about some of the amazing mammals that live in Kent using our species guide.
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Build your own bat box and give a bat a safe place to roost.
Plant flowers that release their scent in the evening to attract moths and, ultimately, bats looking for an insect-meal into your garden.