
A Batman hoverfly perched on an ivy stalk. It's a yellow hoverfly with black markings, including a marking on the thorax in the shape of the Batman logo

Batman hoverfly

This common hoverfly can be recognised by the dark markings behind its head, which often resemble the Batman logo.

Common puffball

This common fungus puffs out clouds of spores when it's mature.

A yellow-browed warbler perched on a twig, poised to take off. It's a small warbler with a whitish belly and mossy green back, with a bright yellow stripe over the eye

Yellow-browed warbler

This charming little warbler is an increasingly common sight in autumn, when migrants pass through the UK.

A December moth standing on a a yellow leaf. It's a fluffy moth with wavy cream lines across its charcoal wings

December moth

This fluffy moth is one of the few species that fly in winter.

A winter moth resting on a wooden board. It's an almost triangular, pale grey-brown moth

Winter moth

One of the few moths that fly in winter, often seen in car headlights.

A giant puffball growing in a patch of grass. It's a football-shaped fungus with pockmarked, off-white skin

Giant puffball

This football-sized fungus can be seen in autumn, sometimes growing on grass verges.

A drake red-crested pochard swimming. It's a striking duck with a black breast, brown back and head, fiery orange crown and bright coral red beak.

Red-crested pochard

This striking duck was introduced to the UK and is now established as a breeding bird in England.

A male common rosefinch perched on a thin tree branch. It's a chunky bird with a red wash to the face and breast

Common rosefinch

The common rosefinch is a rare visitor to the UK, usually passing through in autumn.

Fireworks anemone

This rare anemone lives up to its name with a spectacular display of long, white tentacles.

Atlantic Bluefin Tuna

The bluefin tuna is a highly migratory fish which roams the oceans. This species will cross oceans, travelling between the Mediterranean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico. They are speedy swimmers, reaching a top speed of 43 mph.