
oyster mushroom

Oyster mushroom

Oyster mushrooms are shell shaped fungi that grow in tiers or fabulous clusters on dead trees or stumps. Unlike many fungi, these mushrooms are not seasonal and can be found all year round, especially after a cold snap which can trigger the fungus into fruiting.

Risso’s dolphin

Risso’s dolphins are mysterious creatures usually only found in deep, offshore waters.

cedar cup

Cedar cup

This fascinating cup fungus is a lovely thing to stumble upon -should you be lucky enough!

St George's Mushroom

St George's mushroom

A lovely pale cream colour to begin with these stout mushrooms begin to turn a buff colour and the cap surface will crack as they age.

Giant goby

One of the UK’s rarest marine species, this giant of the rocky shore is a very special fish.

Long spined sea scorpion

Masters of disguise, this species exhibits one of the best examples of camouflage you will find on the seashore!

Netted dog whelk

A small, but feisty scavenger, this carnivorous sea snail does not let anything go to waste!

Star ascidian

One of the most eye-catching sights on the rocky shore, this mind-boggling species resembling a collection of beautiful pressed flowers is actually a colony of individual animals!

Arctic cowrie

One of the UK’s smallest and most delicate sea snails and an absolute favourite find for avid shell collectors when washed upon the shore empty!

Male brambling


These winter visitors are close relatives of the chaffinch and can often be found in the same flocks, where their white rump and nasal calls give them away.


These mysterious and beautiful creatures rely on warm ocean currents to ‘sail’ them around the world... not a bad life?

Mauve stinger

This species can pack a powerful sting, so be sure not to get too close!