The Asian Hornet

Asian hornet with it's distinctive yellow legs and single orange bank on its abdomen
Asian hornet

© Didier Descouens

Asian hornet key ID features image from PlanBee

©️ PlanBee

The Asian Hornet

Online, In your home
Learn how to identify this voracious predator of insects and how to slow its spread

Event details

Meeting point

Online session, hosted by Alan Baxter (joining instructions will be emailed two days before the event)


A static map of The Asian Hornet

About the event

Unfortunately, this course has been cancelled due to low bookings.  For further information on Asian Hornets, go to our guide by clicking on the orange button below:

A guide to Asian hornets in Kent

The Asian Hornet has been spreading across Europe for the past few years and last year there were 72 nests found and destroyed in the UK, 54 of them in Kent. 

Asian Hornets are voracious predators of all insect life, not just honey bees.  When you consider that a single unnest of Asian Hornets can consume 11kg of insects of all species in season you get an idea of the potential scale of the problem. In a nutshell it’s not just a beekeeper problem, it’s everyone’s problem.

We need to raise awareness so they can be spotted and their spread slowed if not stopped altogether.

Kent is obviously on the frontline for the invasion, with hornets in Calais they can come across the Channel on a southerly wind or on a ferry.  Sightings should be reported to the Non-Native Species Secretariat. 

We are working hard to protect our much loved insects.  The hornets also have a nasty sting and there have been fatalities in Europe where nests, which can be 1 metre across have been disturbed.

This short online evening course will cover the identification and natural history of the Asian Hornet, its distribution and impact on diversity, the economy and on public health and safety. It will also cover the measures in place to limit its spread and reduce its impact, the importance of public awareness and the role of government agencies and voluntary organisations.

The course will consist of a illustrated talk of approximately 1 hour followed by question and answer and discussion.

By the end of the course it is expected that you will:

  • be able to accurately to identify the Asian Hornet.
  • be able to understand its life cycle and its basic natural history
  • have gained knowledge about its potential impact on ecological diversity
  • know about the measures being taken to limit its spread in Britain and to learn what individuals can do to help.

Suitable for all

Led by Alan Baxter, Beekeeper,Trustee and Asian Hornet Coordinator, Hampshire Beekeepers Association



Standard ticket (introductory price): £15 per person for this one evening

Know before you go

What to bring

A notepad and pen!

Please contact us to discuss specific accessibility requirements.