Nemo Down

Chalk Grassland at Nemo Down

c) Barry cook

People walking on Nemo Down reserve, photo by Rob Riddle

Photo by Rob Riddle

Nemo Down

Located next to an industrial estate on the outskirts of Dover, it is hard to believe a nature reserve is there when driving through the estate. A mix of chalk downland, scrub and woodland with fantastic views, Nemo is the perfect place for a walk in the countryside, without having to drive too far to reach it. Being part of a much larger landscape of grassland and woodland, Nemo Down is also a good place to start a much larger walk across the Dover countryside.


Nemo Down, Coombe Road
CT17 0UB

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Know before you go

40 hectares

Grazing animals

Konik horses and longhorn cattle


Unsurfaced permissive paths and public footpath with kissing gates. Paths are narrow, steep and uneven.


On a lead

Livestock may be present on site.

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit


About the reserve

Over the latter end of the 20th century, Nemo was neglected, with scrub taking over the huge areas of grassland. Kent Wildlife Trust brought the reserve in 2014 and has been managing the site since, restoring chalk downland across the slopes. Konik horses and Longhorn cattle play an important role in grazing the grass and keeping the scrub in check. You will see them grazing Nemo from the summer through to winter. In the summer, wildflowers are now starting to spread in the grassland, with plants such as common-spotted and pyramidal orchids and birds-foot trefoil flourishing. Keep an ear out for the calls of yellowhammers and lesser whitethroats within the scrub and if you are lucky, you may even see an adder basking around the scrub edge. Located on a steep hill, the climb to the top is worth it with fantastic views towards Dover. For a change of scenery, enter the woodlands, known as Long Wood and Square Wood, and enjoy the peace and quiet amongst oak, wild cherry and other deciduous trees.

Contact us

Karen Weeks
Contact number: 01622 662012