Heather Corrie Vale

Heather Corrie Vale

Heather Corrie Vale

Heather Corrie Vale is located in the Darenth Valley, which is an extremely valuable part of the Nature Recovery Network.


Tinkerpot Lane,
West Kingsdown,
East Hill,
Sevenoaks, Kent
TN15 6AE

OS Map Reference

A static map of Heather Corrie Vale

Know before you go

30 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information


Grazing animals


Walking trails

There are public rights of way that run through various parts of the site.


The paths are all off-road, so no surfaced paths of any length and the site contains numerous paths with steep slopes.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

All year round

Best time to visit


About the reserve

Heather Corrie Vale reserve is a pathfinder project for Wilder Carbon. The site is a recently abandoned golf course which will be managed through natural processes in order to sequester greater levels of soil and above ground carbon, and significant improvements for biodiversity, creating a haven for wildlife.

The site currently consists of grassland, heathland and scrub habitats which have low floral biodiversity or evidence of wildlife. The project will transform the landscape to a broadleaved woodland with heathland, scrub and grassland. The site will be managed through natural processes to store greater levels of carbon. Eventually, water features such as ponds will be fully established and serve as water sources for grazing animals and important habitats for wildlife to thrive.