The Gill

The Gill

Beth Hukins

The Gill

Ancient woodland and grassland supporting a large number of insects and birds.


The Gill
TN17 1DE
A static map of The Gill

Know before you go

12 hectares

Walking trails

Circular paths, uneven and muddy in places.


Not Wheelchair accessible. Access on foot to reserve over neighbouring land, over several stiles. basic interpretation board and way markers. Visits can be made by prior arrangement with the Weald Warden (01622 662012).


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July

About the reserve

Much of the reserve has been planted with sweet chestnut but some areas are dominated by oak, alder, willow and birch. Bluebell, primrose, wild garlic, pignut, early-purple orchid and male fern all thrive here. The damp areas of the reserve support pendulous sedge, opposite-leaved golden-saxifrage, large bittercress, marsh marigold and meadowsweet. The reserve also supports large numbers of insects and birds.   A small area of grassland called Calves Lodge field is currently being restored.

Contact us

Matt Hayes
Contact number: 01622 662012