Cowden Pound Pastures

Cowden Pound Pastures
Yellow pimpernel by Lucy Boyd

Lucy Boyd

Devil's bit scabious, Susanna Clerici

Susanna Clerici 

Bluebells - Susanna Clerici

Susanna Clerici

Cowden Pound Pastures

A small valley with grassland and ancient woodland.


Cowden Pound Pastures
Near Edenbridge

OS Map Reference

A static map of Cowden Pound Pastures

Know before you go

6 hectares

Grazing animals

Sheep and cows


No Public access. Visit can be arranged with the Warden please call Paul Glanfield on 07766 732 214.


On a lead

Livestock posters will be displayed at the entrance to the reserve when livestock is present.

When to visit

Opening times

No public access currently.

Best time to visit

April to August

About the reserve

A small secluded valley with marsh and neutral grassland and ancient woodland. The northern most field has abundant anthills and the middle field in August, has one of the largest and most spectacular displays of devils-bit scabious in the county.

Contact us

Paul Glanfield
Contact number: 07766 732 214