Think globally, act locally
We are in the midst of a climate and nature emergency. Across the globe, we can see the devastating impact that climate change is having on people and the natural world around us.
From the wildfires that ravaged Australia in 2019–2020 during its worst-ever bushfire season, known as the Black Summer, to deadly flooding in South Asia over the last two years – climate and weather related disasters are increasing in both number and severity. The UN reports that such natural disasters have increased five-fold over the last 50 years.
Recently, the impacts of climate change have felt closer to home than ever. January 2022 was record breaking in the UK – with the warmest New Year’s day, and some of the highest sunshine levels and lowest rain fall ever recorded.
And in the last few weeks, we have felt the full force of the weather, as storms Dudley and Eunice battered the UK within days of each other.
Storm damage at our reserves
Storm Eunice hit us particularly hard in Kent, with thousands of households losing power and water, significant travel disruption, and damage to homes and property. The impact on Kent Wildlife Trust reserves was significant.
We are still assessing the storm damage at our sites, but this has included livestock fencing and bird hides being damaged and destroyed, and trees – some of which were well over 100 years old – being brought down by the strong winds.
One of our much-loved bird hides at Oare Marshes was reduced to a pile of rubble.
If you have ever visited Oare Marshes Nature Reserve you may have seen or used the West hide. Unfortunately, it was unable to withstand the strong gusts, which were reported to be at speeds of around 80mph. The bird hide was completely destroyed and will need to be replaced.
Whilst we have to recognise the role of multiple factors in extreme weather events, climate change clearly plays a part, and most scientists agree that it is worsening the impact that such events have.
The impact of climate change here in Kent
In the long-term it is expected that Kent will face some of the most severe impacts of climate change in the UK, due to our geographical location and long coastline. By 2050 our summers are predicted to be around 2.8⁰C hotter, and our winter temperatures could rise by 2.2⁰C. Rainfall in the winter is likely to rise by 16%, increasing the chances of flooding, and to reduce by 19% in the summer, resulting in more instances of drought.
Sadly, the worsening nature and climate crises mean that extreme weather events are likely to become increasingly common.
The damage caused will impact us all.
For Kent Wildlife Trust it will place additional pressure on finances as our staff teams will need to inspect our reserves for damage and ensure safety at our sites. This additional work will take time away from our core mission to restore and protect Kent's precious landscapes and wildlife species.
The climate and nature crises are inextricably linked.
Climate change is driving nature’s decline, and the loss of wildlife and wild places leaves us ill-equipped to reduce carbon emissions and adapt to change.
One cannot be solved without the other.

Kent Wildlife Trust is working to fight the climate emergency.
Nature is a key ally. Whenever we restore the wild, it will recapture carbon and help us bring back balance to our planet...Sir David Attenborough, COP26
We need to rewrite our story, to turn this tragedy into a triumph. We are after all, the greatest problem solvers to have ever existed on Earth.

Help us fight the climate emergency now!
Through our Wilder Kent vision and projects, we are working together to address both the climate and nature crises. A Wilder Kent will benefit us all locally. It’s also our chance to do our bit to tackle the global environmental threats we all face.
Will you help us to fight against the climate and nature crises?