Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


Eight trees to spot this winter

It’s hard not to admire a tree in summer when it dazzles us with its foliage and flowers but trees in winter can be majestic too. In this blog, we celebrate National Tree Week with eight amazing trees to look out for on your next winter walk.

Species A redshank standing amongst seaweed on the edge of the water
Redshank © Tom Marshall

Top Migratory Birds to Spot This Winter

Nina Jones, Protected Area Warden at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay celebrates World Migratory Bird Day by sharing some of the best birds to look out for on the way back to the UK for their winter stay.


The Magical World of Fungi

UK Fungus Day celebrates an often-forgotten kingdom. An underdog of the natural world if you like. But what makes fungi so special? Stick around to find out.

Species asian hornet in flight
Getty Images

A Guide to Asian Hornets in Kent

We’re asking Kent residents to keep an eye out this year for the Asian hornet. Sightings in the UK have been happening since 2016 but this year the number of sightings is on the rise. Read the article below to learn about the risk of having them here and what we can do to help.


Paradise Park's Choughs flying free over Dover

Director of Paradise Park Cornwall, Alison Hales explains the history of chough reintroductions and successful progress over recent decades including their work with Wildwood Trust and Kent Wildlife Trust to reintroduce them in Kent.

Species Elephant hawk-moth caterpillar © Vaughn Matthews
Vaughn Matthews

The elephant in the room

Late summer is the best time to discover one of the UK’s chunkiest caterpillars, the elephant hawk-moth.