Wilder Kent Blog

Learn more about the wildlife and wild places in Kent and beyond.


The UK's ladybird species

Ladybirds are probably our most familiar beetles – and also some of the most popular. They’re known as the gardener’s friend, as many hunt the aphids that occasionally feed on our prized plants. Take a closer look in this blog!

Species Gardening with wildlife, snail on gardening gloves with pot plants behind
Tom Marshall

Slugs & snails: Part of a garden ecosystem

I have to admit how little I knew about slugs and snails before reading the latest Wild About Gardens guide. The RHS and The Wildlife Trusts have given these incredible creatures a reputation makeover. Discover for yourself these magnificent molluscs and the benefits they bring to our gardens.

Species Harvest mouse on a flower stalk
Amy Lewis

A World Without Nature

This World Wildlife Day we would love to celebrate the incredible wildlife we have in Kent but we know that we're loosing more wildlife and wild spaces every day. So this year we felt it was more important to join forces with others to show what our county might look like without wildlife. Read on to learn more.

Species The tail of a red squirrel popping up from behind some dead wood and purple flowers.
© Peter Cairns/2020VISION

Nuts about squirrels! The story of the red squirrel

We couldn't let Squirrel Appreciation Day (21st of January) pass without doffing our caps to these agile, speedy, intelligent mammals and shining a spotlight on the grey and red squirrels that live in the UK.