Don’t stop there!
These are just a few ideas for how you can help Kent’s wildlife and educate the next generation of nature-loving enthusiasts. But it doesn’t end there! Come up with your own ideas and involve as many people as you can. Once your group or school is achieving gains for wildlife, why not involve nearby groups and schools and begin to create a network of communities helping us create a Wilder Kent?
Gathering evidence and submitting
So, you’ve applied for the Wilder Kent Awards and received your entry booklet. You’ve been working hard on projects for the past year and feel you’re ready to submit your application for the Wilder Kent Awards 2023. What next?
Once you are ready to submit, you will need to have two things ready for the Wilder Kent Awards marking committee to review as part of your application:
- Your submission form
- Your supporting evidence
Submission forms:
Your submission form was included in your welcome email and can also be downloaded from here:
Simply download the appropriate form and begin filling it in, outlining how you have met each of our awards criteria. Try to summarise your work and achievements for each criteria in no more than 250 words. You can then provide further evidence to support your words; this is explained in the “supporting evidence” section below. Only fill in categories which you have completed work towards. Do not worry if you have not met all the categories; just know that everything you have done has helped us to create a Wilder Kent.
Supporting evidence:
Providing suitable supporting evidence is an important part of your awards submission and will help the Wilder Kent Awards marking committee arrive at the correct judgement for your submission. It is important to note that without appropriate evidence, it may not be possible to award marks for some criteria. Your evidence may include:
- Photographs or videos that showcase your projects, such as before and after photos, photos of children/members undertaking work or simply photos which showcase your site.
- Reports, policies or documents which evidence your work (site policies, letters written to MPs, cafeteria menus with meat free options, minutes from Wilder Kent Committee meetings etc).
- Data or statistics that demonstrate the impact of your initiatives, such as the number of trees planted, the amount raised in fundraising efforts, or the reduction in carbon emissions and/or water usage on site.
- Other certifications or awards that also recognise your efforts in sustainability or wildlife conservation.
- Press coverage or media mentions that highlight some of the fantastic work you’ve been doing.
A top tip would be to create three folders on your computer, one for each of the three Wilder Kent Awards categories: Protect Nature, Sustainability and Carbon Reduction and Engage with Nature. This way, all your evidence is stored in one place and can either be uploaded or ‘dragged and dropped’ into the submission form online.
Ready to submit?
Once you have filled out your form and gathered your evidence, you are ready to submit. Head over to our online submission page below:
Submit your evidence here
The first page will ask you to fill in your school/organisation details. Please ensure names and spellings are accurate, as these are what will be printed on your certificates.
The next page will allow you to upload your submission form and the subsequent three pages of the form are for your evidence for each of the three categories. Once you have uploaded and clicked submit, you should receive an email confirming that the upload was successful.
Entry to the Wilder Kent Awards 2023 closes on Wednesday 31st May. The Wilder Kent Awards team will then convene to review all submissions and you should hear back from us before the end of June, when all winners will be invited to attend our awards ceremony being held at Tyland Barn, Maidstone, on 15th July 2023. We can’t wait to see you there!
Thank you for helping us create a #WilderKent