Blog: Insects

What is a Nature Hero?

This COP28 season, we want to celebrate those on the ground who are doing their part in fighting the climate and nature crises. 

These Nature Heroes, those individuals or groups based in Kent who are taking action for nature, are also inspiring those around them to make an impact. 

Over the next few weeks, we'll be introducing you to a range of Nature Heroes across Kent, from our very own Kent Wildlife Trust staff and volunteers to wildlife champions we work with across the county. 


7-spot Ladybird

The UK's ladybird species

Ladybirds are probably our most familiar beetles – and also some of the most popular. They’re known as the gardener’s friend, as many hunt the aphids that occasionally feed on our prized plants.…


Incredible Insects

Insects may be small, but they are vitally important to life on our planet, helping our ecosystems to thrive. Here we explore the wonderful world of these fascinating creatures.


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