South Swale

South Swale

Ray Lewis

South Swale

This reserve is home to thousands of wildfowl and waders in winter, and some very special plants in summer.


Seasalter Road

OS Map Reference

TR 064 648

A static map of South Swale

Know before you go

420 hectares

Entry fee


Parking information

Limited alone Faversham Road

Bicycle parking


Grazing animals

Cattle and Sheep

Walking trails

The footpaths can be very muddy at times. Access is via the public footpath, which follows landward side of the sea wall. Visitors are asked to avoid Castle Coote, as this is a particularly sensitive area for nesting and roosting birds.


Access to the sea wall is through a small kissing gate. The path is muddy when wet.


On a lead

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

This reserve is home to thousands of wildfowl and waders in winter, and some very special plants in summer. Visit on a calm summers day when it reverberates to the sounds of grasshoppers, beetles, skylark, reed warbler and breeding redshank. Amongst the reeds you may also hear the 'ching' of a bearded reedling or catch a distant view of a marsh harrier. On the beach, look for spectacular yellow horned-poppy. Saltmarsh plants grow best in Faversham Creek: goldern samphire, sea-lavender and sea-purslane together make a vibrantly colourful show.

In winter, the mudflats and tidal waters of the Swale estuary teem with shellfish, worms and certain specialised plants. These attract huge numbers of birds to feed, especially as the tide goes out. Wigeon and up to 2,000 Brent geese rely heavily on the eelgrass which grows below the high tide mark. You can also look out for the occasional short-eared owl or hen harrier hunting for small mammals or unsuspecting birds. The merlin is also a frequent winter visitor.


Kent Wildlife Trust are opposing the development of the Cleve Hill Solar Park because of the impacts it would have on wildlife. Find out more below.

Cleve Hill Solar Park

Contact us

Nadia Ward
Contact number: 01622 662012