Wouldham common

Konik ponies at wouldham common
Ground pine at wouldham common
Harebell at wouldham common

Wouldham common

This nature reserve is not open to the public

The reserve runs along the scarp slope and consists of a mosaic of habitats from chalk grassland through scrub to woodland.


This reserve is not open to the public

OS Map Reference


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Know before you go

38 hectares

Grazing animals

Yes. Mostly goats but sometimes Hebridean sheep in the winter.

Walking trails

There is no public access to the reserve but public footpaths run along the edge of the reserve.


The footpaths/bridleway that run along the edges are quite steep with one of them having steps so not wheelchair or pushchair friendly. They can get slippy when it is wet.

The path along the top is a road, is more wheelchair/push chair friendly but does have pot holes.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times


Best time to visit

Spring and Autumn

Contact us

Rosemary Holden
Contact number: 01622 662012