Sandwich and Pegwell Bay

Birds at Pegwell Bay, photo by Russell Miles

Birds at Pegwell Bay, photo by Russell Miles

Sandwich Bay, photo by Vicky Aitkenhead

Sandwich Bay, photo by Vicky Aitkenhead

Wetland at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay, photo by Vicky Aitkenhead

Wetland at Sandwich and Pegwell Bay, photo by Vicky Aitkenhead

Oystercatcher - Mike Snelle

Oystercatcher - Mike Snelle

Sandwich and Pegwell Bay

Ian Andrews

grey seal pup asleep on beach

Tom Marshall

Sandwich and Pegwell Bay

Listen to the rolling waves on the sand and shingle, breathe in the saline scents of the saltmarsh, and watch the wonderful wildlife this very important and sensitive National Nature Reserve has to offer.


Pegwell Bay Country Park, Sandwich Road.
CT12 5JB

OS Map Reference

TR 341 632

A static map of Sandwich and Pegwell Bay

Know before you go

615 hectares

Entry fee

Parking fee

Parking information

Pegwell Bay Country Park - KCC manage the car park which charges £1.30 a day Mon-Fri, or £2 for weekends and Bank holiday. Sandwich Bay has a toll gate - £7 per car.

Bicycle parking

Yes, at Pegwell Bay Country Park

Grazing animals

Highland Cattle, occasionally Konik horses. Dogs must be kept on lead in the grazing compartments.

Walking trails

The New All England Coast Path runs through and around the boundary of the National Nature Reserve, this is clearly signposted (or please visit the Natural England website for maps).

At Pegwell Bay Country Park, there is a circular route with hard surfaces and several grass paths within the Country Park. Please help us conserve wildlife by avoiding the restricted access areas highlighted on the map.



Pegwell Bay Country Park - circular solid path around seawall which is wheelchair accessible, and mown grass paths throughout Country Park. Sustrans bicycle route runs on the boundary of the Country Park and Sandwich Road.The Ramsgate to Folkstone section of the English Coast Path passes through the reserve.

Saltmarsh and mudflats are restricted access (see map for the restricted area).

There is no launching or landing of kites from within the Sandwich and Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve (NNR)

Sandwich Bay - sandy, unsurfaced paths and beach, with a restricted access area to the North of the Bay (see map for restricted areas).


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On lead and restricted access in some areas. See more info at the bottom of the page.



Picnic area
Accessible toilet
Outdoor play area

When to visit

Opening times

Pegwell Bay Country Park - please see Kent County Council website.
The toilets are not always open.

Best time to visit

All year round

About the reserve

This complex mosaic of habitats holds many internationally important and rare plants and animals.

In the spring, migrant birds such as nightingales, cuckoos and warblers arrive on the reserve to breed.

In summer, visitors such as oystercatchers and ringed plover nest on Sandwich Bay’s shingle beach. Meanwhile butterflies enjoy the duneland flora and its many rare species such as lizard orchids and Deptford pink.

In the autumn and winter, seals can be seen from the end of Stonelees, just after the Country Park. During these colder months, we also see the biggest influx of waterfowl and waders such as dunlin, sanderling and grey plover, feeding in the saltmarsh and recovering from their long migrations.

Sandwich and Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve (NNR) is important for breeding, migrating and wintering birds all year round. Its rich feeding grounds are a vital stop during the epic migrations of birds, some of which cover thousands of miles.

Worryingly, many bird species numbers have fallen steeply here. Little terns have stopped breeding and ringed plover chick numbers have declined sharply. We have also seen increasing pressure from recreational activities in parts of the bay that need to remain undisturbed for wildlife

Human disturbance harms birds' chances of survival

When we cause birds to move or fly up, it might not seem serious, but impacts include:

  • Missed feeding opportunities
  • Difficulty feeding chicks
  • Wasted energy
  • Loss of condition before long migrations
  • Relocation to overpopulated sites with less food
  • Reduced breeding success

We can all take simple steps to share the bay responsibly and help the remarkable wildlife of Sandwich & Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve to recover and thrive once again. No matter how you enjoy the reserve, whether this be walking, cycling, birdwatching or wind sports, there are ways you can enjoy this special place while minimising harm to threatened bird species.

Please DO these things:

  • Do stick do the designated access routes and avoid entering restricted areas such as the mudflats and saltmarsh.
  • Do keep your dogs off the mudflats, saltmarsh and upper chalk shore (see map). Please do not let your dog chase wildlife.   
  • Do clean up after your dog and take your litter home or put it in the bin.
  • Do give wildlife space. We can cause animals to waste energy reserves, miss out on food and even abandon nests and chicks.

Avoid doing these things:

  • Don’t forage. Commercial cockle collection can be reported to Kent & Essex IFCA: 01843 585 310.
  • Don’t use drones.
  • Don't kite surf
  • Don’t use the area for metal detecting.
  • Don’t horse ride at Pegwell Bay. At Sandwich, avoid the Restricted Area and grass/wildflowers by using the beach.
  • Don’t disturb seals in the water or resting on the estuary sand banks. Give them a wide berth as they can be easily scared by humans.
  • Don’t disturb roosting and breeding sites by use of personal watercraft. Keep to the navigational access route to and from Sandwich.

Contact us

John Wilson
Contact number: 07808568821
Contact email: [email protected]

Additional information

Kite surfing information

There is no launching or landing of kites from within the Sandwich and Pegwell Bay National Nature Reserve (NNR).

Sandwich and Pegwell Bay NNR is one of the most important and highly protected sites in the country for wildlife. Under the legislation declaring the area a Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI), any activity that has the potential to harm the special interest of the reserve, requires legal consent from Natural England, the Government’s conservation body. Consent for Kite Surfing along with a number of other recreational activities has not been granted by Natural England. Without consent, the owners and managers of the National Nature Reserve cannot legally permit these activities to be carried out.

This brings kite surfing in line with other waterborne recreational activities which aren’t permitted to launch within the SSSI. Thanet District Council's Coast and Beaches PSPO prohibits any beach and coast activity that poses a risk to the safety of people or wildlife.

Bait digging

Please see here for voluntary agreement:

See map below for sensitive roosting sites to avoid.

Motorboats, personal watercraft, water-skiing

Access to and from the River Stour for navigational purposes only. Stick to 8 knots p/hour and avoid making wake around the river mouth. Keep all activities, launches and landings away from the waters around Sandwich and Pegwell Bay NNR, including landing or launching in the Mouth of the Stour, as these areas are protected for wildlife.

If you encounter wildlife, such as seals either at sea or on sandbanks, slow down and give them a wide berth as they can be easily scared by humans. Please follow the NE Kent Marine Wildlife Watching Code for wildlife watching guidelines.


Around the Kent coastline, we're lucky enough to have populations of both grey seals and common seals that you might spot bobbing around in the sea or resting on our sandbanks and beaches. However, seal disturbance is a major issue. Find out more about watching seals safely and what to do if you spot a seal by clicking the button below:

Learn more

Help be our eyes and ears

You can report any seal disturbance you witness in the waters around Pegwell Bay and the Stour Estuary by logging this with us via the following link. Information on incidents of disturbance can help us to make a difference to enabling us to better inform the appropriate authorities of the breaking of wildlife related byelaws.

Report disturbance now

If you spot an injured seal, please contact British Divers Marine Life Rescue on 01825 765546 (office hours) or 07787 433 412. 

If you find a dead seal on the shore, contact the local authority. Call 01843 577000 for Thanet District Council.

If you spot a seal, please help us to record sightings by reporting to ZSL #inthethames

For more information on how you can help support our work to protect coastal wildlife please contact Nina Jones, Protected Area Warden: [email protected]

Bird disturbance

Sandwich and Pegwell Bay is home to many important species of bird. Unfortunately, they are often disturbed by humans and/or dogs, leading to a devastating impact on their health and survival chances.

Find out more

To report disturbance, please click here:


Fenced dog zone area available in the KCC Country Park to allow dogs to safely run off lead.

A Public Spaces Protection Order (PSPO) prevents dogs on the mudflats, saltmarsh, Pegwell beach or upper chalk shore all year round at Pegwell Bay (see map for the restricted area)

At Sandwich Bay a second PSPO states there are three zoned areas with a traffic light system for dog walking

  • Off leads (under control): from car park to Prince’s enclosure.  
  • On leads: Prince’s enclosure.  
  • Not allowed: restricted area.  


A map of access at Sandwich & Pegwell Bay

Useful Links

See our Events page for regular guided walks in the area.

For opportunities on how you can support our work at Pegwell and Sandwich please check out our Jobs page.