Spuckles & Kennelling Woods (Wilderness Down)

Spuckles & Kennelling Woods (Wilderness Down)

Ray Lewis

Spuckles & Kennelling Woods (Wilderness Down)

These fragile woods support a diverse mixture of species from mighty oaks and majestic beech to violets and carpets of bluebells. The extremely rare greater butterfly orchids and delicate lady orchids are also found here.


Thorneycroft Road
Stalisfield Green
A static map of Spuckles & Kennelling Woods (Wilderness Down)

Know before you go

20 hectares

Grazing animals

Cattle and sheep

Walking trails

Entry is via public footpaths with stiles.


Not Wheelchair accessible. Bridle and field gates, steep slopes, woodland bridleway, uneven and can be muddy.


No dogs permitted

When to visit

Opening times

Open at all times

Best time to visit

April to July, September to November

About the reserve

Lying in the heart of the mid Kent Downs on an escarpment 650 feet above sea level, there reserves comprise precious ancient woodland and chalk grassland, and are at the centre of Kent Wildlife Trust's 'Wilderness Down' project and part of its living landscape vision to reconnect the countryside - providing widlilfe corridors for species to move around easily, thereby helping to restore biodoversity.   The Trust is hopeful that its restoration work will encourage the return of the marbled white butterfly and the majestic red kite.

Contact us

Nadia Ward
Contact number: 01622 662012