Tyland Barn Nature Park & Gardens

Tyland Barn Pond Dipping Platform opening March 22
Welcome to Tyland Barn Nature Park
Male Ruddy Darter at Tyland Barn
Tyland Barn Nature Park
Tyland Barn Garden

Tyland Barn Nature Park & Gardens

The Pond Café at Tyland Barn is now open Monday to Saturday from 9am to 4pm..

The nature park is now open to the public - please see the information below for dates that access will be limited due to other events. Smoking is not permitted.

Find out more about our events and explore the nature park.
The Pond Café at Tyland Barn is now open!


Chatham Road
ME14 3BD

OS Map Reference

TQ 754593
A static map of Tyland Barn Nature Park & Gardens

Know before you go


Parking information

Parking available on site

Bicycle parking

Bicycle parking available on site

Grazing animals


Walking trails

Disabled access to the barn and nature park (with its short nature trail) is very good.


Wheelchair accessible. All surface path around wildlife garden. Pond with an accessible platform.

Read our accessibility information


Assistance dogs only


Bird hides
Picnic area
Accessible toilet
Baby changing facilities
Disabled parking
Accessible trails

When to visit

Opening times

Office Hours:
Monday-Friday, 9am to 5:30pm

Nature Park & Gardens:
Monday - Friday, 9.30am to 3.30pm (unless events are taking place, see events running below)

Pond Cafe:
Monday - Saturday, 9am to 4pm

Events & Group Bookings only, find out more about our events below.

Best time to visit

April to October

About the reserve

Tyland Barn is the headquarters of the Kent Wildlife Trust and a base for many of our educational activities. The restored 17th-century barn offers a flexible indoor space and is available for hire.

The nature park is a wildlife haven and at various times of year home to bees, tadpoles and in recent years breeding kestrels. 

We run some fantastic events at Tyland Barn from workshops and discovery days, to family fun. 

See Events at Tyland Barn

The Nature Park at Tyland Barn is a fantastic and easy way to experience the wonders of our Kentish countryside. The park was created to be a little Kent and now has woodlands, colourful wildflower meadows and a large pond full of life. Wander along the wheelchair and buggy accessible paths and you might spot spectacular orchids, stag beetles in the log piles or dragonfly flitting over the reeds. 

The planting in the Tyland Barn area has recently been redesigned and becomes a contemporary, colourful and inspirational example of how we can all help wildlife in our gardens. 

As the seasons change, there is always something new to discover in the park. There are lifting logs and warm compost heaps to look through for bugs even in the darkest of months and come the summer, the bug hotels buzz with solitary bees. The Nature Park at Tyland Barn is a lovely place to visit with the family or to learn more about the huge variety of Kent’s wildlife.

Discover more about the Tyland Barn Nature Park and Gardens on a free tour with our Wildlife Habitats Officer.

More About Tyland Barn Tours

Contact us

Contact number: 01622 662012

Location map